When I started this blog, way back in 2005, it was as a way of keeping in touch with my family and friends back home in Vancouver; to regale my unfortunate mishaps, my stumbling blindly through single life and finding my feet in the first year that I found myself single again after a 5 year relationship ended.
Along the way, I have had some incredible people find their way here and stay a while, have made new friends and interesting acquaintances, moved countries and continents. Over the last 2 and half years, it has been a cathartic adventure, it has been therapy and support, at times it has been candid and painfully personal. The blog adapted to each new situation, evolved and grew and then suddenly, I hit a plateau. I seemed to have achieved what I set out to do, and in the process gained much more than I had ever anticipated.
But the sense that there wasn't anything left for me to accomplish here has been niggling at the back of my mind for some time, that perhaps it was time that I found new outlet for my writing, that perhaps it was time that I started taking myself and where I wanted to go seriously, that I took every happening in my life out of the public domain and healed. I have always written, kept tallies of my pain, of my happiness. I have always wanted to write, have always wanted to be a writer but have hidden behind my own negativity.
What happens from here is anyone's guess, but I know in my heart that right now I have done all that I can here.
Thank you for all your posts, your links, your emails and your comments... but I am really actually officially taking an indefinite break this time.