Thursday, November 03, 2005


I have a





of a hangover today.

I know I shouldn't have.

I mean, I should have just said no and not ordered those shots of sambucca, waving money over my head and encouraging that huddle of hard core drinkers at the bar(although technically not my money at all... sorry sweetie, I will pay you back. Promise!)

I know that when 2am found me in Chinatown, ordering dim sun from tired bow tied waiters at the Dragon Inn and being part of that hazy, drunken early am Soho'ness, that I should have just gone home after the bar shut and crawled into bed.
The turnip paste and pak choi was too much of a temptation.

And I am concerned that I have acupuncture with the Dishy Doc this afternoon, and am now worrying that perhaps acupuncture and hangovers do not go well together; the waves of death and the shakes are not going to help matters.

And what happens if the Dishy Doc inserts his needles and as my body is all sambuccafruliapplevodkasodamojitos, I spontaneously combust, leaving nothing of me but my fabulous earrings?


miss goLondon said...

hangovers are monsters aren't they? like 2 year old foster children..go away! i hope you didn't spout apple vodka when you went to get some needle relief from Dr. Dishy!

Miss Devylish said...

Ooh. I wanna hear more about the dishy doc.. mm.. and it's hard to resist just one more lovely little tiny oh-so-cute drink.. ain't it? We all have those mornings.. hope it's better!

x said...

so how did acupuncture go?

lady miss marquise said...

Alas, Dishy Doc not around.
Apparently he had a bit of a hangover as well, so was treated by the *Not-so-dishy-but-still-lovely Doc* ; which was fine.
I didn't combust at all and felt nice and lovely and relaxed and tried not to move around too much this time...

Shame about the unfortunate fact I now look a bit like a heroin addict.

fb said...

mmm...dim sum