Thursday, May 11, 2006


Intervention comes in the form of this.

A long, long, long weekend away with the lovely Scooter and Nurse Kelly, where we won't talk about jobs. Or interviews. Or boys. Or MySpace.

I'm going cold turkey. I won't have my laptop with me. I won't have access to any internet connections at all. The thought is terrifying me slightly, I like to take you all with me. I like to know what you all are doing, I am going to miss you. Five whole days without the internet. Five whole days without you. Without MySpace.

But as Scooter, my oldest, dearest and the sugardaddy of my gay husbands, is treating me, I can't quite complain. There shall be relaxation, the company of my dearest friends and long walks around the lake. The pure unspoiled beauty of the Sea to Sky highway. And the best bit of all, we're staying at a Spa. Any over consumption of vodka can be holistically removed. Bliss, I say. Bliss.

So goodbye for a few days. I shall miss you all...

Have a great weekend, all of you.



anywherebutTX said...

Oooohhhhh... Sounds lovely! Be sure and take some pictures for those of us who won't have a vacation for awhile!

Miss Devylish said...

I swear I thought I commented.. but maybe not.

I'm sooooooo jealous! You will be missed. And let's talk about coming up for visiting around Memorial Day weekend.. yes? You don't need money.. we'll just hang out over cheap bottles of wine and have laughs.. cute boys love to buy tipsy girls more drinks.. yes?

fb said...

Read your spot in the paper on Saturday, very cool!