Monday, May 29, 2006

No more Hooky Thursdays...

Because I am now employed.

Well, I will be. Starting Thursday.
The offer arrived this morning. With a higher salary than I expected. With paid overtime. Paid overtime, I say. And a bonus. And full benefits package. And a little office right schmack downtown in Vancouver. On the 22nd floor with a view to die for.

And the irony is so sweet, that as most of my family and friends will tell you I cannot hold onto money for longer than a day, that for the last few years I have been scrimping and scrounging, hardly able to make ends meet and unable to utter the mantra *It is okay to want to make money* without breaking out into a cold sweat and feeling as if I was betraying myself and taking the slippery slope to becoming a capitalist.

I am working in investment banking.


So sadly there shall be no more Hooky Thursday, reading the paper on the beach and tearing up the boulevards of Kits on my bike. There will be no more midday Myspace fix.

But there will be fabulous shoes... long hours and high stress.

I can't wait!


x said...

congratulations! and a nice view too! now you must start taking pictures for us.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous shoes!? A girl just can't ask for anything more than that. Congratulations!!!

Miss Devylish said...

Whoo hoo!! I salute you! And an office w/ a view. Girrrrl.. after you start and I come up, you will be showing me said view so I can be completely jealous of your soon to be new shoe collection.. Yay!