Thursday, July 27, 2006

All I ever needed to know before I started to date...

A Devyl to set the record straight.

A man to explain why men need to have a little mongrel.

And dating etiquette so I can see where I'm going wrong...

...I especially like the rule about not drinking on a date, I should note that down somewhere.


Anonymous said...

the hamilhoff told me to send you this:,,2-2006340484,00.html

my work here is done.

Wriju said...

All these rules frighten me :-)

Miss Devylish said...

Ha! I like the etiquette one.. I also personally like the quote on my site where at the bottom it says under no circumstances should food be omitted. Finally! One I can get behind!

Oy! We'll throw all that to the wind tonight.. cuz who cares about boys?! We've got each other! Yahoo!

"the b" said...

ha ha ha - I am SO bad at dating. I've borrowed the rules, hope no one minds...

Anonymous said...

And never order a Spaghetti Bolognese on a first date either!

mushroom said...

haha 'a little mongrel'

lady miss marquise said...

Well, I seem to have a date Friday so I must ensure that I beahve myself accordingly... ;o)

And no, b... I don't think anyone minds if you borrow the rules a bit. I just keep bending them ever so slightly.

So I'll be fine if I eat, which is good, as long as it's not Spag Bol.

I shall not be opinionated (bugger) nor drink too much... oh lordy.

sophie said...

i clearly need direction...
if i ever date again - which
i won't.

Gregg Michaelsen said...

Don't drink on a date? How fun would that be? Haha!

It's okay to drink as long as you still have control. Just don't get drunk. A glass or two of wine is perfect.

On the other side of the coin, here are some tips on how to make a girl like you.