Sunday, January 30, 2005


So what happens next then? What is the next decade going to bring me, and where am I going to allow myself to be taken?
30 is the new 20.


I'm looking forward to it, surely it's got to be sweeter than my 20's? The 20's were all about excess. Excess drinking. Excess smoking. Excess baggage. And excess heartbreak.
No thanks.

I've had enough of that. I want to turn a new leaf. I want to drink responsibly, but granted...I probably won't. I've given up on that occassional social cigarette - that was my stipulation when I started to train for the 10k. Safeguarding my lungs seems somewhat more important than that little drag every now and then.

And all that baggage?

No thanks, that I shall leave at the curb. I don't want to bring that into my new decade and I sure as well do not want to accumulate any more.

Ditto on the heartbreak.

I'm still convinced that 2005 will be the year of love, and although the greatness of 30 does not from cynicism break, I still believe whole heartedly that my own great love affair is just around the corner.

And I think that there's where the journey will start to get very exciting.

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