Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Temporary Insanity

Temporary insanity is the only thing I can imagine to have acted this way. I am a tit. Offically.

Someone had taken my logic and replaced it with this neurotic insecure lunatic who for some reason was looking back at me. And all about a Boy. The WelshOne. Who for the first time in ages gave me butterflies, and who made me realise that there are lovely men out there...

I called the WelshOne Saturday afternoon and left him a message. Now, answer phone messages are always hard to call because you want to be sexy and funny. But it's just a message.
And you're just a voice.
And how can you conjure up the sex appeal?
So instead, I panic. And babble something so randomly bland like "Hi, it's me... uh, LadyMissM (although I use my real name obviously). Give me a call when you get this...
Fine, there's nothing wrong with that... I think.

No call.

No text.

Hmmmm.... speak to Knickers about it, she says call him back Sunday, he may have no signal as was supposed to be climbing/with his mate/ his phone may be dead as it went straight to answer phone/ he could be on a tube/ my phone/ his phone could be playing up/ football's on... see my frantic and desperate grasps here?!
Especially as am already freaking that I have spent the night at his house (although did not get up to anything I shouldn't) and have been out of the dating loop for a while, and still coming to terms with liking someone and being totally unsure of where I stand.

I love this feeling.

So Sunday am. Phone rings, t'is the WelshOne.
We chat. And make a date to go for dinner tomorrow night. Fabulous.
I have made it to the 3rd date, this is a personal best.
So in my excitement and comfortable glow, I ask him to accompany me to an engagement party for one of my best friends the following Saturday night.

Oooh, not boding well. He seems a bit taken aback.... Is it too soon to ask him to a party? Can he read my mind and see that I'm a neurotic freak? So I ramble and witter on about how cool MsD and her fiance are, and how much fun it will be... and if it's not too weird, it would be great if he could come....
Ah hell.
But I recover, he says he'd love to. Plans are confirmed, Smith's tomorrow night.

Frantic text to best friend, Knickers.

"He just rang, we're going for dinner tomorrow night. Didn't get message until 1am. I feel better now."



In another display of complete stupidity and not paying attention... I do not send the text to Knickers. I scroll past her name to the WelshOne.


Cold fear of dread.
Oh god oh god oh god... while on phone to Knickers in vain hope I haven't been so stupid, a text message comes in.
From the WelshOne.

"Don't think you meant to send me that. See you tomorrow..."

Just shoot me now, the humiliation.

Temporary insanity. Obviously.

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