Monday, November 14, 2005

Come on Baby, Light My Fire

The game, it appears, is back on.

Roll on Friday.

And thank London Fire Brigade for sparing one of theirs to take me for drinks this week.

All 6ft 2 of him.

Thank you thank you thank you...

I have a thing, you see, for firemen.
And cowboys. (...but more of that later)

So last week, at the bar, a voice behind me *You must be Canadian* and a somewhat lopsided grin.

I am indeed.

Very impressed in his correct placement of my nomadic accent.

And a fireman.

The game has just gotten a whole lot more exciting.


LĂ©onie said...

Perhaps he has a fireman friend for me? Or two?

Don't be greedy, now, share.

lady miss marquise said...

Oooh, I will! I will look around!

He did also send me a text saying
*If you're in town you can always come and visit me at work*.

I just about fell over.

I don't think I could have handled the excitement...

Miss Devylish said...

Oh Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl.. I can't tell you how a tingle rolls up the back of my spine every time a firetruck drives by.. mmm-mm.. I've met a few that are fine w/ three syllables.. fi-i-ine.. mm. Color me jealous!

Miss Devylish said...

Oh.. and when one cutie fireman (who turned out to be.. well.. not single AND SUPER kinky.. like too much..) was pursuing me, he also told me to come for a visit.. I did one summer day. I actually got to go for a training drive w/ them in one of the trucks.. How many people can say that? Ask him for a tour and if you can slide down the pole!

anywherebutTX said...

Firemen and cowboys.... two of my favourite things!