Friday, November 25, 2005

Le Pompiere

So the Fireman.

Monsieur Le Pompiere.

Was polite and handsome and charming and a gentleman.

And bought me drinks and laughed at my jokes and complimented me on my coats, my boots, my hair, my smile.

And we talked and talked, and drank and drank. And he made excuses to touch my hands, my arms, my elbow when he spoke.

And there was kissing, and I did stay over as I missed my last tube but it was all good clean fun. And as I am a good girl, I only misbehaved a teensy tiny bit.

And I slept in his London Fire Brigade t-shirt which I got to keep.

And later that day there was a text, and then when I got back from Edinburgh there was another flurry of flirty texts and then...


Until yesterday. With a text conversation that does not make sense, basically saying yes he'd like to see me but... " working nights until Tuesday, rugby Wednesday then away in Egypt 'til the 13th. Saturday may be a possibility?"

As it is, my Saturday night is already booked up and has been for some time. So I text back to say "I'm sorry I can't do Saturday after all but perhaps Wednesday after the game or shall we leave it for the moment?"

Which I think is fair, non?

I mean, I do like him. And I do want to see him. But I'm not about to chase him round the houses.

Silence again.

But perhaps he's sleeping. Or tired. Or working. Or putting out burning buildings. Or pouting. Or just couldn't give a rat's arse either way.

If he likes me, he knows where to find me.

And to be frank, if he's not pounding down the door to see me, well... it's a shame but I'm not going to sit around twiddling my thumbs.

But at least I got the t-shirt.


Miss Devylish said...

You know, the t-shirt will probably treat you much better than any fireman sister.. but I hope he comes thru for you anyway. ;)

x said...

okay! rugby? RUGBY?

lady miss marquise said...

Yes. Rugby. The man is built.

And I should have checked my email to see the very sweet email he sent me before I sent that damned text! Which may or may not have screwed things up royally.

Apparently, like all women, I am mad. Or so says The Swiss.

But that's another blog all together.

anywherebutTX said...

In my experience the shirt will be a lot more warm-n-fuzzy than the fireman!

Anonymous said...

You missed the obligatory joke about sliding down the pole or having a long hose here...

miss goLondon said...

don't fret, that text was harmless and wouldn't ruin anything, especially if he likes you, which is a given. what isn't is if he is worth your time and can act accordingly. and good for you for not chasing him...hello, we are girls for gloria's sake! chase us!
ps-if he doesn't want to make time for you, he isn't worth your time
pss-don't waste Your Pretty
look forward to update

miss goLondon said...
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LĂ©onie said...

I would love to offer some words of wisdom but my words are sadly devoid of wisdom.

I don't think he should've been scared off by the text, so if he is then perhaps he isn't worth worrying too much about? Has anything else happened?