Thursday, April 27, 2006

Okay. It does get better.

I am not a total loser in the dating stakes.


We've arranged to meet tomorrow afternoon.

I am going back to Langley, the armpit of North America and Hicksville, where I grew up. And as he (The Actor, people!) will be in the area visiting his parents who live not too far from my parents, he has offered to drive me back.



LĂ©onie said...

Oh, cool. Have a lovely time. He sounds lovely in that last post, all those tattoos.

Speaking of which, can you show us your new one?

lady miss marquise said...

Hi yes, definitely. It's just the laptop I'm curently using makes Blogger cross, and it means I can't upload any of my pics. Also I seem to have lost the cables for my new camera in the move and can't upload anything yet. Sigh. I'll mail you the pic? xx

Miss Devylish said...

By 'drive'.. what exactly do you mean? Or will you have to explain 'later'..? heh. ;)