Monday, May 01, 2006

Lazy Monday

Okay, so I'm not properly posting because I am sat staring at my phone willing it to ring.

I have been shortlisted and interviewed, shortlisted and interviewed again and now I am waiting to hear if one of these jobs will be offered to me.

I want them both very VERY much. Not least because I seem to be haemoraging the little money I brought back with me, but I am starting to get anxious. Although getting anxious staring at a beach is less disconcerting than getting anxious on a crowded Tube.

But also because as soon as I get a job, I can get a laptop. Which will mean I can edit this blog better, and add links because for some reason no links are working on it and it's frustrating because I can tell you about all the great stuff I'm reading but can't take you there. Until I changed my IP back to Mozilla, so now I can actually hold your hand, help you across the road and show you to the link.

So the whole point of this post was to say that the Texan links to a great piece, which also got my blood boiling.
I'm following revelations about Prescottgate on *Comment is Free* because I likes a bit of scandal, I does.

*Kottke* has a great piece about the film "The Bridge" and I'm looking forward to seeing "Live and Become." I'm also waiting to see Anne Michael's novel 'Fugitive Pieces' turned into a film, it is a hauntingly beautiful book.

I've also started training to do the Grouse Grind. I was bullied into it to prove a point and am too stubborn and pigheaded to back down. And I picked up my bike yesterday so get prepared to hear tales of me whizzing around Stanley Park with camera in hand. And a fairly heavy duty crash helmet.

No updates on the Actor, as we still can't seem to get it together and I made the executive decision not to meet him for drinks Friday night; as I was already martini'ed up to the eyeballs by the time we caught up with each other (well, it was almost midnight. I'm not that much a lush, really)
At least I hope he took The Gorgeous's drunken teasing *Emmmmmm... it's a booooo-oooy on the phone...* with good grace.

And I still can't find my camera cables, hence the inability to add purdy pictures to my blog. But I can check my email from my new phone, and there's also an MP3 player installed in the sexy little beast so it means I can avoid crazies on the bus now. I just can't pay the bill yet.

*This Fish* has a very funny piece about crazies as well. I've not managed to meet any new ones yet, maybe my big sunglasses and scowl are working.

If you've not yet heard of these guys, now you do. My old housemate's band has just been signed, so check them out.

And that's about all I have to say. The wind is howling outside, although Vancouver is basking in sunshine, and it is very very cold so I'm tucked up by the fireplace with Rosie the cat and my new phone. And my battered laptop. Living vicariously through this...

1 comment:

Miss Devylish said...

I so am crossing all my fingers and toes for you girl!

I turned down a very cute guy as well yesterday.. but was just too tired to start all over.. maybe this weekend. :)

I hope you find time for your cutie actor.. those boys in Van are hot.. a good distraction while waiting for employment.. no?