Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Never settle for anything less...

Well. Here it is. And maybe a little more of me than you wanted to see but hey, I don't have photo shop.
And those do happen to be my bumming around (pardon the pun) bottoms, so please forgive the plaid. It hurt like hell at that point, a few days after the 3 hour session, and leaning back or sitting down or wearing clothes or anything that involved moving my back was a real trial.

And never settle for anything less than butterflies, my friends.


Miss Devylish said...

Love it sweetie! It's beautiful!

LĂ©onie said...

Wow! That looks amazing!

I can imagine that smarted a fair bit, but it looks beautiful. 'Never settle for anything less than butterflies' is a really lovely phrase, as well.

anywherebutTX said...

That is awesome!!! Aren't tatoos addicting!!!

lady miss marquise said...

Thank you lovelies. Although at the time, I did think that was it... but now I'm looking and thinking, oooh... that could be added to and we should put another flower just there, and and and... you get the picture!

x said...

they look amazing! but oh the pain. you are so brave Lady.

fb said...

Wow cool flutterflies...