Thursday, May 04, 2006

Me me me me me me me me me...

Okay, I was rubbish at this. I was supposed to come up with some questions but I didn't so I'll have to hand it to the Gorgeous Ladies of Worldwide Blogging who came up with all these questions and Miss Devylish who organised it all...

1. What is the dish you take to every potluck?
Can’t remember the last time I went to potluck, but would have to say my signature dish would be my chocolate ginger torte. It is sex. Yum.

2. Have you ever seen or felt a ghost, angel, spirit, or some sort of other-worldy being? Yes, I am a firm believer in angels and I know my dad’s dad has had a busy timelooking after me. Sometimes I just know he’s there.

3. Would you rather never workout again and be skinny forever or be able to work out whenever you wanted to and be a little overweight?
Would love to be skinny, but I also love working out. It keeps my head clear. So can I be greedy and have both please?

4. What is the hardest thing you think you've experienced so far?

Parole hearings and court cases. That's a whole other story.

5. Do you like Snoopy or Woodstock better?
Never been a Peanuts fan, but maybe Woodstock because he’s yellow.
I’m just not that into cartoons.

6. Can you talk and eat at the same time? And if so, can people understand you?
Only between bites, ha! Can anyone ever understand what I’m saying?!

7. If you could be good at any profession, which would you choose and why?

I want to be an exceptional travel writer/ anthropologist, because it incorporates all that I love.
Writing and travel, experiencing new cultures and people. I’d be the “off the beaten track” girl, writing about undiscovered places and doing something humanitarian that would bring value to the community.

8. Would you rather be a Playboy bunny or a Hooters girl?

Playboy bunny definitely – they have some cute ass tails. And are a little classier than the Hooters.

9. Peanut butter – crunchy or smooth?

10. Bad boys, frat boys, intellectuals or dorks?
Ooooh, I have a weakness for bad boys but they’re always bad news, frat boys have never done it for me, intellectuals, if they’re not pretentious, are a real turn on. Seriously. I love well read well educated men.
And dorks, well… yeah. I’m a closet anorak. But I’m not sure they’d turn me on. Unless he dressed up as Aragorn. Or Boba Fett. Phwoar…

11. Name 6 people, alive or dead, you'd like to invite to dinner.

Vivienne Westwood, Robert Smith, my grandfather, Dorothy Parker, Mae West and Dylan Thomas.
Bring out the whisky… what a conversation and a half.

12. This is a two parter, and be truthful – when you are by yourself, do you get a 6 inch or a 12 inch sandwich from Subway? How about when you are with your friends?
6 inch always. Never a 12 inch. Some things are better left to the professionals. *snickers*

13. What was the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you?
My sister used to sit on me and pull my fingers and toes until they cracked. Even now the sound of cracking bones makes me all anxious and weird…

14. Location of the best sex you've ever had?
Trying to pinpoint this, I can’t remember. Isn’t that lame? Surely I’ve had the best sex of my life and I’ve forgotten. It’s been a while. Thanks for pointing that one out.
I’m not sure I’ve had it yet, see number 24.

15. Oddest place you've ever had sex?

On the deck of my boyfriend’s boat. In a marina in Vancouver. I’ve never been a car sex girl. Maybe I’m just a prude?!

16. If you were super drunk, and REALLY had to pee, but all the toilets were being used, would you consider alternate receptacles, i.e. the mens, outside, a sink?
The men’s… yes. Outside or in a sink, no. I have issues.

17. If you had to pick, classical or jazz?

18. What's your favorite kind of pizza?
It depends on my mood, I’m too indecisive! But today, 4 cheese and mushroom. Yum.

19. Ever flirted with a friend's significant other?
I flirt with everyone so probably, but never in a predatory way. I’d never do it to mean it, if you knows what I means. That’s just not on.

20. What was the blog site or blog post that began your interest in blogging? Please add the site name and link to specific post if possible for completely entertainment purposes.
I worked for Guardian Unlimited, so the GU Newsblog and Ben Hammersley were my first intro’s. Then Anna of Little Red Boat fame, she is still one of my favorites and an incredibly talented lady (and I miss her dreadfully!)

21. Have you ever eaten a whole bag of Marshmallows?

Ick. No. *shudders*

22. Last time you drank so much that you had to throw up?

Um. 4 weeks ago. In a bin. In Barcelona. I’m proper English now, like.

23. Do you have a stupid human trick you can do if you ever get on Dave Letterman? And do tell, if so!

Probably not to get me on David Letterman but I can blow bubbles off my tongue. Gross. Yes.

24. Describe your perfect day.
My perfect day… hmmm, waking up with my lover (after the best sex I’ve ever had, aha!) in some beautiful remote spot, with the sound of the ocean. Fresh coffee and blueberry pancakes. Plenty more of that great sex thing, woo hoo… reading a fabulous book in the hammock before getting the boat out, sailing to a little cove with friends to swim. Having all my friends and family to dinner, where we can all sit outside, eat great food and drink wine with plenty of conversation, No one fights, and everyone gets along, the sun sets and everyone goes home happy, well fed. And I’m fairly sure I get to finish the day with some more of that hot sex thing. Yeah!

25. Do you think the concept of a single best friend is outdated and unrealistic?
Perhaps. I have a network of best friends. They all bring something unique and special to the table, and they have all been around to appreciate the changes in my life.

26. What about the idea of one true love?
Oh yes. I am an old fashioned die hard romantic. One true love. Indeedy. Mine got lost in the post, I think.

27. One of your favorite memories of all time?
Stockholm this year, New Year's Eve. Stood outside the flat, watching the fireworks at midnight and thinking how happy I was in that moment. That that was the start of some new and great adventure.
I was right.

28. What is your least favorite physical feature about yourself?

Er, I’m such a girl. My inner thighs.

29. What's your most favorite?
Oooh, um… either my lips. Or my eyes. Ohhh or my new tattoo. As I said, I’m indecisive.

30. If you had one wish for making the world a better place, what would it be?

That everyone cherished what they had, and took time to appreciate every living being. That everyone saw good in other people and encouraged those qualities.

31. What traits, good and bad, from your family do you possess?

I come from a long line of strong independent women, and my father is a phenomenal man so traits in no particular order would be passion, determination, courage, stubborn pigheadedness, pride, compassion. Each has its good and bad points. I get my pride and courage from my Dad who makes logical decisions (that trait skipped me), from my Mom who think from the heart (yup, I got that one), I get my passion to right the world’s wrongs.

32. When was the last time you played a board game, which one, and with whom?

Chess, with Tom in the garden last year, over drinks. I got annihilated.

33. Name some person/place/thing currently that infuriates you.

My unemployment. Waiting for the phone to ring, attending interviews daily. Just hire me. Please. Pleeeeeeeeease?!?!
And the fact I just received an invoice for $262 from the carriers in Montreal for my freight. I had no idea there'd be more charges.

34. Name some person/place/thing currently that makes you happy, deliriously or otherwise.
When I was writing the draft yesterday, sat on Jericho Beach, I turned and looked at the mountains and realized Vancouver was one of the most beautiful places in the world. And that it was becoming home. I felt things were starting to come together and I realized I was happy. I felt lighter, that it was all going to be okay.

35. Ever been in a car accident? If so, how many and spill the details.
Oh yes. Several. 5 days after getting my little red sports car, I spun it out and took out a lamp post, a railing and perfectly maneuvered the back end into a fence. About a foot away from a swimming pool.

And then driving my other red sports car in the snow, I spun that one out and ended up taking out a clump of trees. Luckily I was okay after both accidents, and there were a few others involving train tracks, ferries, road islands but we don’t have enough time. Needless to say, I don’t drive. And haven’t in 9 years but feel that I have matured (guffaw) enough that I should take some driving lessons and get back on the road. Much to everyone’s horror. But I’ll be good. I know I will…

36. What's your favorite word?
Wobble. Go on, say it. Doesn’t that make you feel great?

So yes, please take part. Or refer me to a great psychiatrist.


Anonymous said...

I'm a GLoWB? I think this is the happiest day of my life! And I knew SOMEONE would get it, about Keanu :)

Anonymous said...

Chocolate ginger torte... *dribbles*

Miss Devylish said...

I'm going to have a potluck and invite you for sure sister!

Also, I must've lost my one true love in the post as well. Maybe they'll resend? Let's hope.

You might want to tell Treena that no one gets the Keanu thing.. no no.. that guy is just too dumb to be hot.. don't you think? blech.

Anonymous said...

And why do guys like to do it in the car? I don't get this. Please get a guy to explain this to me. Even with my husband this is bad. And we've initiated almost every car we've owned(hey, I'm an optimist).