Saturday, May 06, 2006

Save a horse, ride a cowboy...

Because I am far too hung over, and there are a few stories that need to be told but my head hurts far too much and I am riding the waves of death and I was depressed for two whole days because of that whole unemployment pallava currently occupying my life, and I had a dreadful interview and I didn't get one of those jobs I was waiting on and I'm still waiting to hear on the other and Tony told me never to date an Actor and of course I never listen to advice and The Actor did the unforgivable by semi standing me up last night and I'm scratching my head about that one and will then promptly move on because that is far too much like bad manners and disrespectful, I'll tell the story later because I ended up having such an amazingly fun time with my sister which involved free drinks and shooters and dancing outrageously with much much younger college boys who were so damned cute to "Save a horse, ride a cowboy" and a drink called a "Chi-Chi". And believe me there are some funny stories from last night as well. And of course, the inappropriate snogging of someone whose name I don't think I got before The Gorgeous and I fell into a waiting cab and I dropped my pizza and The Gorgeous just kept repeating "Protein" to the guy in the pizza shop when he asked her what she wanted. I will learn. I will grow up. Some day.


So anyway, Helen Boaden, Head of News at BBC, has come under fire for not being able to list the blogs she reads daily and Emily Bell (my old boss and an incredibly phenomenal lady) has written a great piece in Editor's Week so check it out here.

I also used to link to Miss Doxie, but for some reason I missed her off my last edit, so have rightfuly restored her to my Blogroll.

I'd link to what else I'm reading but you really don't want to be reading or Workopolis or researching companies that I am meeting with next week because I can attest it is dull as fuck.

And I'm now off to a wedding shower, a 'round the world wine tasting (we're representing South Africa with Van Loveren (we met these guys at the London Wine Festival, and I dragged them off to world's cheesiest club for cheap beer and bad music, I am class) and an evening full of further debauchery and naughtiness at a club on 4th with the girls.

I'm sure you can buy new livers on ebay, yes?


Anonymous said...

See what happens when you don't listen to me!

LĂ©onie said...

Oh, don't put up with bad manners and rudeness. Do save horses, though, and, oh, whatever that other thing was. Definitely do that.

Miss Devylish said...

Mmm.. I love me some wines from South Africa. They're the best!

And trust me dearie.. you are all class.. course I haven't seen you dancing on the bars yet and 3 shots to the wind.. but I'm betting it's there somewhere.

Actor = jackass if he stood you up in any way, half or otherwise.. I can't stand flakey people.

Glad you had a good time girl. I'm a little nervous now cuz you are gonna drink me under the table. :)