Monday, May 08, 2006

Unemployed, penniless, well spoken Executive Assistant seeks...

A job.

Please, Buddha. Now.

There are some serious downsides to unemployment. Namely the lack of money. Which as the seasons are a changing and my London wardrobe seems a tad fussy for Vancouver, means that although I am still living out of suitcase, the suitcase is much smaller as my wardrobe seems to have been depleted somewhat. And there are some beautiful things in the windows now. When I expressed concern about Vancouver having no style, I now apologise.

Past those dress jeans, trainers, fleece and LuluLemon, there is a rebellion starting. And it is beautifully dressed.

And as Customs Pirates have confiscated my freight and are holding it against its will until I can cough up the money to free it, I have had to make another sheepish call to my father.

*Please, Pop... can I borrow some more?*

The chalk marks of what I owe are fast adding up, which is making me glum. And despite the fact I seem to be a hot ticket and am interviewing on average at least once a day, I'm bored solid with the questions. And the research preparation. And the smiling and talking and dressing up.

But that's really not the reason why I need a job.

No, no, no... not at all.

The real reason why I need a job is because I have succumbed to an addiction.
And that addiction is MySpace.

At any one time, on my browser, I have internet search options and employment websites, Hotmail and MySpace open. And I can't help but peek and tweak my profile. Search for cool people who live near me, make some new internet friends and flirt IM outrageously.

It is all dragging me into a deep abyss of darkness and I am powerless to resist.

Only employment, vodka or an intervention can help me overcome this terrible addiction.

Help me...


x said...

noooo, those stephane deraucourt shoes are too nice to be given up for myspace. i wish you'll find a job soon and buy lots of them. Oh and if you do, style 8 are my favourite ones. Thanks.

Miss Devylish said...

Oh girl.. we're all there.. that stupid myspace.. too bad the boys here aren't all that. I often look at the cuties in Van.. sigh..

And I love lululemon.. want it.. don't blame you at all.. Hang in there.. something great is going to happen soon. I can feel it!

anywherebutTX said...

Myspace is worse than crack.... I too am totally addicted.

lady miss marquise said...

Chloe - You're on, lovely girl. They don't have these oh so yummily gorgoeus red ones that I saw in the shop on there, but will see what I can do for you!

Maddy - Shhh, I own Birkenstocks. It's Vancouver ;o)

Devylish - Come up and see me soon, let me sort out the selling of my lover or my shares and then we can go shopping!

Texangal - Luckily I'm off to Whistler tomorrow so that's the closest to cold turkey I'm a gonna get. Cute cute Whistlers. Yummmy!