Friday, September 08, 2006

Esoteric Part IV: Peep Shows and Amaretto Sours

"Lady..." Esoteric stands outside the shop on Granville Street, trying to reason with all my 5ft1 of blonde curly haired pigheadedness "... you really really do not want to go in there..."

"Yes, I do."

I am defiant, amaretto sours and champagne cocktails overriding any rationale I may have once been in possession of. Curiousity has managed to get the best of me.

I want to go in.

I want to see.

"Do you have any change then?" He says wearily. Rummaging through my handbag I triumphantly produce 2 quarters.

"You are going to hate it."

But I have never been inside before, never ventured past those curtains at the back of the shop, have walked down the red light district of Paris. Been intrigued by those flashing neon signs flashing *Peep Show*, the sidewalks illuminated in candidacy.

However in my inebriated mind, the images of mac clad gentlemen rubbing furiously pale in comparison to artfully posed women on velvet furnishings. In my mind, there is a beauty in the act.

I cannot say I wasn't warned. I cannot say that Esoteric didn't give me a graphic description of what I might find back there.

And so it is with an open mind, and alcohol muddled sensibility that we make our way past plastic curtains, into dimly lit corridors and it is less than a minute later we emerge, slightly more traumatised than when we pulled back curtains and briefly stepped into darkened booths, the sounds and smell of desperation surrounding us, channel after channel of androgynous bodies writhing on a tiny television screen.
It took us less than a minute to come to an understanding, stand up and stumble back out into the bright lights of downtown Vancouver in search of something stronger to rid ourselves of those images, that smell, that overwhelming feeling of desperate loneliness.


Indiana said...

So he was right "you really don;t want to go in there"...ever notice the more someone tells us "no" the more we say "yes"

lady miss marquise said...

Yes indeed, Indy. Once someone tells me *No*, the ever defiant I become! And I do blame Esoteric for not being able to control me...

Although I am glad I did experience it, as I KNOW I will never feel the need to see it again!

P said...

Don't come down and visit us again in Seattle. DON'T DO IT. Absolutely not. NO NO NO. You won't like it. It's bad for you. Just take my word for it...

lady miss marquise said...

Tee hee Pixie, I like things that are bad for me...!

I'll see you soon, I promise!


fb said...

This very well written,

It must be something in the air drifting up from Portland but it made me think of Chuck 'Fight Club' Palahniuk's writing.

Rachel said...

Defiance is amazing, gets us in a whole crap load of trouble. Same thing happened to me in Amsterdam, except it was a live sex show. Mmmmmm. Interesting! Think I stayed about 2 seconds

Miss Devylish said...

I got dragged to the Lusty Lady on New Year's and was too intimidated to be in a booth alone, however, it's not allowed to go in w/ more than 1 so we sorta got in trouble. But the guy next to me, obviously a man, you can see their fee.. was.. um.. busy.. we could tell from staring thru his window. I was creeped out and will never venture forth again. Don't need that kind of um.. stimulation. Would rather experience something more personal.

lady miss marquise said...

Thanks Finn, I've never actually read anything by Chuck Palahniuk but I'll check it out.

Rachel: Never did make it to Amsterdam, which is a shame...

Devylish: Oh, yes. Agreed. I am still creeped out.

lady miss marquise said...

Thank you my dear Winters, I loved those tear stained streets of Paris...