Thursday, October 12, 2006

not quite a man cold

But the Marquise cold...

I feel dreadful, my body has succumbed to too little sleep and too much excitement.

I ache.

My throat is sandpaper, my eyes are dusty, my head pounds.

I am crotchety. And miserable.
I want to cry. Or be held.
Or both.

And although it doesn't appear that I am following the Invalliding rules very well, I still can't find the dignity in me not to announce my Marquise Coldiness and appeal for the soothing comfort of international sympathy.

And hugs.


Indiana said...

Sounds like hugs and chicken soup time.

Hope your feeling better, it sucks to be sick and have no-one to take care of you.

P said...

Buy the soft, extra-puffy tissue. Ghetto-kleenex won't do for a sore nose. Treat your little nose to luxury softness. That's my best advice...then knock yourself out with medication and sleep. :)


Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Wanderlusting said...

Cool blog and I love your profile pic (did u know Roman Holiday is playing at the theatre on Cambie st?).
I wish I wasn't working so I could take advantage of this wonderful fall we are having. You know that the rain is going to start at any minute *sigh*

sipwine said...

I hope you get hugs, those make me feel better. :)

Anonymous said...

big hugs and good vibes your way.

Miss Devylish said...

Aww sweets.. I hope you're feeling better by now. Sleep, sleep, sleep and liquids (non-alcoholic please) and grilled cheese. :) At least those are my remedies. Hopefully see you next weekend if you're up for it darlin. xoxo

lady miss marquise said...

Thank you all, I was being rather pathetic but I do thank you for all your sympathy and hugs and coldie fluey achey remedies.


mushroom said...

I'm a fan of the old yo ho ho and a botlle of rum when i'm sick. I once asked a doctor if it helps destroy the cold and he said 'no, but it sure does get you drunk'.

sophie said...

You need chicken soup with lots
of garlic.

Several hot epson salt baths with
lavender or pepermint oil.

A little warm run with orange
juice freshly squeezed.

A tacky magazine like - hmmm -
hello or something.

lady miss marquise said...

That's my kind of remedy, Mushroom. Although I'd be partial to the Irish whisky for colds, myself ;o)

Thanks Sophie - funnily enough the woman at Saje suggested salt baths so I have taken loads, with geranium and lavender. And lots of hot and sour Thai soup.
Yummm... and am starting to feel more myself now!