Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I'm not entirely sure what he, my modern day Mr Jekyl was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't me.

I wonder if he was expecting me to be taller, blonder, more demure? Thinner? Solemner?
But I am not. I am me. Walking out to meet him in boots and a black coat, curly hair untamed.

I cannot be anyone I am not, nor do I want to be. I have shed skins, moved cities and towns, felt heartbreak and joy and all the while struggling to be myself, to feel comfortable in my skin.

He does not laugh, barks at the waiter and barely smiles. Nurses his one beer then excuses himself to go to the loo when the cheque comes. I peel out crisp notes and lay them on the table, wait too long for change.
When he returns, he makes a half hearted attempt to pay and insists on walking me home. I cannot politely decline, he lives 3 buildings away.

I wonder how I got it so wrong, how I read him. He had seemed charming and witty, pursued me for weeks with emails and phone calls until I was intrigued and agreed to meet him one rainy Sunday evening. Whatever he was expecting from me, it wasn't what he got. And that charming witty man he had earlier impersonated was left safely at home.

A few weeks later I see him in my local chemists, rain soaked and tired with a box of Tampax in my one hand and deodorant in the other. We are all human after all.

And I am human enough to duck down the first aisle and hide. Sometimes Vancouver is just too damned small.


Indiana said...

He made you pay????? WTF!!!

lady miss marquise said...

He did indeed, he went to the bathroom as soon as the cheque arrived! He did make an insulting half hearted attempt to offer, at least that's what I think he was doing. He made some sort of vowel movement and pointed towards the cheque when he came back to the table.
I just wanted to pay and run but he caught me, dammit.

The funny thing is that I don't mind paying, it took me a while to realise that the men here actually WANT to pay, it's the etiquette. I do always offer, and I always try to pay when I have asked them out... but sometimes they get insulted. I just don't understand. I'm still trying to get my head around west coast dating styles, and let me tell you... it sure is not easy!

Unknown said...

I was stunned that he was a man that you knew, and not a blind date! I cannot even begin to imagine what his story was... had nothing to do with you, it sounds like you looked FABULOUS!

I wonder what would have happened if you had let him see you in the pharmacy...

lady miss marquise said...

Ms Novel Nymph, thank you. The evening was strange, indeed. You never know, he may have seen me after all. I am not the sort of girl who blends into a crowd, it's my hair you see... *lol*

Winters, you are a doll and I'd have let you buy me pudding. And coffee.

One day when I find my way back to Paris, I'll take you up on that offer.

Merry Christmas to you too

Miss Devylish said...

Darlin.. it doesn't matter if you were his soul mate in one glance or someone he may not have been interested in.. he didn't have to treat you so rudely and could've easily just been polite and at the least directly asked if you wouldn't mind splitting the tab.. It's not that hard. If he was 'disappointed', fuck him. I would acknowledge you were as well considering he was obviously not the man he portrayed himself to be.. and he showed up as half that person. If that. You deserve better and we all know that. xoxox