Sunday, April 29, 2007

An interview in which I do not jump on a sofa.

Several weeks ago, I came across a post on Izzy's blog, where she answered some questions posed to her and offering others the chance to be interviewed in return.

I realise, as I get older, that I am an attention seeker and love the chance for a little self promotion.


I hope you enjoy,


What's the ringtone on your phone?

I dislike most ringtones, and my phone is almost always on silent. However, since I lost my last phone and got a funky new one, I am loving my new sound. It's a Hong Kong-esque kitsch little jingle.

How long did your last unrequited love-affair last, and how intense was it? Anything interesting happen?

I've had so many! The last one was a journalist I worked with, whom I had trouble speaking to. I'd get all red and stammery. The jist is, after a few sambucca shots at the Christmas party I made a complete fool of myself. The upshot is that afterwards I was not only able to speak to him afterwards but also flirt outrageously with him. I eventually got over it, and haven't met anyone for a long time who got me like that.

Would you rather be 20 pounds underweight or 20 pounds overweight?
20lbs overweight. All curves and stuff.

Which do you like better: public or private transportation? (Public being something like busses or subways, and private being something like you driving yourself.)

It's weird, I used to hate buses and public transport and loved my car. Then I moved to the UK and relied heavily on public transportation. I've been back a year and I have still not renewed my driver's licence. I'll get around to it, eventually. Would I be happy if I never had to take another bus? Not so sure, but if it was a long trip I'd rather have the music turned up and be in the comfort and solitude of my own vehicle.

Is there an author or artist whom you simply dislike, and can't fathom why he or she became famous and loved?

Where to begin? Off the top of my head: Danielle Steele. Maeve Binchy. Need I say more?

Do you prefer pen or pencil? Ballpoint or gel? Mechanical or wooden?

Pen, gel with a fine tip. Amelia once gave me a beautiful red Cross pen which I loved. I loathe those cheap biros. *shudder*
I'm such a pen snob!

Now your turn. The rules of the game are simple, leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions to be a little more intimate!
You then update your journal/bloggy thing/whatever with the answers to the questions. (No excuses; it's required.) You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Devil Mood said...

Oh interview me! Please!
It was really nice. And Daniele Steele, I know. I started reading one of her books years ago and I had to refrain myself from puking. arghhh....
But I love cheap biros! lol

"the b" said...

Interview me!

But the flaw is I don't get to answer the same questions, do I? Dammit. Dan bloody Brown, that's my hated author. Plus J K Rowling. I can see why she got published, even why she's so popular, but I don't think she's that great.


Rachel said...

Oh am with you on the romantic slitty wristy authors. Would rather stick pins in my eyes.

lady miss marquise said...

Thanks lovely ladies, I will get around to the interview questions asap ;o)

madelyn said...

I am a complete pen snob too!


lady miss marquise said...

Ladies, can I please ask you to email me at I do not have all your email addresses, in order to send you your questions.


"the b" said...

Poo did not see this. Is it too late? I am