Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I've been feeling good about the whole *bzzz... bzzz... oww! bzzz... owwww! bzzz... owww!* situation tomorrow.

Then the delightful Hammersley sent me his flickr set, and I read this.

I do have others, and I do remember them being fun pain.

If pain can be fun. Or good.

I'm booked in for 3 hours of good fun pain and I'm wondering if this was a rash moment of stupidity or clarity?!


lady miss marquise said...

I confess, t'was clarity after all!

Pics to be uploaded as soon as.

Miss Devylish said...

Ooooooooooooh.. I'm SO excited!! Can't wait!

LĂ©onie said...

I am excited too! Will you tell me where you went to get it? I want to get another one as well.