Monday, October 30, 2006


"In Chinese Astrology, women born under the tiger sign are hard to marry off - they are said to be wicked 'man-eaters.", I tell him with a sparkle in my eye, proudly displaying the newly tattoed symbol on my shoulder.

"But I am an Ox, and I will always be stronger. I can handle a wicked tiger" he says, holding my small hand against his.

It is before the fights, when we are still hopeful, when we are still in love.

Later, when is healed he traces the lines with his thumb. Tiger.

Over the years, the ink fades from black to an inky grey. We move on for new adventures, fall in and out of love, suffer heartache and loneliness, joy and expectations.

But somehow I cannot detach memories from the faded lines on my skin, come to loathe the sight of it. And although I wouldn't trade those memories, I can at least erase this mark from my skin.


Indiana said...

I would never erase my fact I am thinking of having it re-inked to make it brighter and clean up the fading lines.

lady miss marquise said...

Ah but this one needs to go. I have thought long and hard about it and came to this conclusion...
I would never get rid of my others as there was something very spiritual in them, and I have thought about getting this one reworked and incorporated into my others but the placement makes it a bit difficult so instead I'm going to erase and start again...

P said...

But even a tiger may be reborn a pussycat? Or a pussycat a tiger? How about wings on the tiger...and let it rise again like a phoenix cat?

...says the FIRE how's that for a difficult woman? Chinese astrology has a few comments about me too. :)

Pomgirl said...

I'm not sure anything should really be for ever.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we all need a clean slate.. inspiration can come and go.. and maybe that's what's best for you darlin.

Anonymous said...

Interesting about being a tiger. I too am a tiger, but older than you. My husband is a tiger too. Where does that put us???
